Monday, January 11, 2016

Become a Jedi Master of the Food Store

The grocery store can  be a tricky place to shop... especially if you are new to healthy living.  With soooo many options of virtually the same product, how do you know which to choose?  Wouldn't it be great to have a nutritionist go shopping with you to point out your best options?  Wouldn't it be even better to have a chef tell you how to create tasty dishes with those ingredients?  Well, I'm both, so although I won't be in your cart, over the next few weeks, I will be giving you some great pointers to help healthy up your life...  starting with some super quick and easy tips:
1- Make Your Weekly Menu Before You Go - This will help you think long term about what you will consume.  It will also help you create a concise shopping list. 

2 - Always go shopping with a list! - Stick to it as much as possible.  This will keep unnecessary items out of your cart. It will also help you stick within a budget and keep your marketing excursion quick and painless.
3- Go Alone (or with someone who has the same goals as you) - Don't take anyone who will get you to purchase items off your list.

4- Don't Shop When You Are Hungry - If you are hungry anything and everything looks tasty... so you'll put more in you the cart, spend more, bring more home, and have much  more temptation waiting for you in  your cupboards.  Dangerous!

5- Avoid - Chips, Soda, & Cookie Aisles...If it doesn't go home with you, you will have far less temptations lurking in your cabinets.

These basic tips will keep you headed in the right direction! And stay tuned all week as I break down each aisle with more tips and tricks.  Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @moussecatering and on Instgram @chocolatemoussecatering

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