Wednesday, January 6, 2016

     Wishing You a
Happy & Healthy New Year
Make 2016 Your Healthiest Year Yet

Too many of us are too familiar 
with this New Year's  scenerio... 
the ball drops, you vow to keep 
your distance from carbs and spend  
the rest of the year on the treadmill, but two weeks intoJanuary, your  motivation plummets, your starch cravings have become difficult to ignore, and  you've skipped morethan a few days at the gym. Come February, your sneakers  have collected dust and you've forgotten all about your New Year's resolution.

Swap Sugary Drinks For Water
Water is one of the best tools for weight loss  because it 
doesn't have any calories.It is also a great appetite 
suppressant, and often when we think we're hungry, we're 
really just thirsty. Water has no fat, no calories, no carbs, 
no sugar, so drink plenty to help your weight-loss.  

Aim For 5 Servings Of Fruits And 
Veg Per Day 
Fruit and vegetables taste  
delicious and there's so much 
variety to choose from.  They're 
a good source of  vitamins and minerals, and dietary fiber. They can also help reduce the risk of  heart disease, 
stroke and some cancers. Fruit and vegetables are low in 
fat and  calories and high in taste.
Add More Fiber to Your Diet
Fiber-rich foods decrease hunger, so you are likely  to 
eat less during the day. You can easily add more to your 
diet by having high  fiber cereal for breakfast, or as a 
snack mixed with yogurt in the  afternoon.

Eat Breakfast
Did you know... in order to gain weight, sumo  wrestlers  in Japan don't eat breakfast? Really! Skipping  breakfast slows down the metabolism and encourages weight gain.Start your day with a  breakfast  that combines fiber and lean  protein, in order to rev up your  metabolism and keep you full till lunchtime.
Increase your Dairy Intake Not getting enough calcium triggers the release of a hormone that causes fat storage. Meeting your daily 
calcium  needs helps you burn fat more efficiently. 
Choose low-fat dairy  products for the nutrients your body needs, without the extra calories.
Spice it up
Increasing your intake of capsaicin temporarily boosts your  metabolism and 
helps you feel satiated after meals. Try adding Tabasco sauce to your eggs, 
curry to your soup, and  hot peppers to your chili. Spices will add flavor and health benefits to your  dish.
Start your Meal with Soup
Soup is one of the most filling foods, and a big  bowl of it is a great way to avoid   higher calorie temptations.  Aim for  broth based soups   filled with vegetables, which tend to have a lot fewer  calories than cream based soups. 

Remember, these tips are not just for weight loss  but also to make you feel more energized, stronger, healthier and younger. Live  a better quality of life.  Don't give up because you splurged.  DON'T GIVE UP !!
Good luck in sticking with the resolutions and  shedding the pounds.
Schedule Your Nutritional Consultation Today

Don't wait! Schedule meal services for yourself or a loved one today.

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